Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter Sensory Bin

In my class on Tuesdays I introduce a new activity to our sensory bin.  This week it is dyed rice with Easter eggs.
How to dye rice-
Food Coloring
Rubbing Alcohol
Ziploc freezer bags one for each color you want to make
Wax Paper

Take one of the Ziploc bags and add two table spoons of rubbing alcohol.  The add ten drops of food coloring.  Shake the bag to mix the food coloring and rubbing alcohol.  Add 1 1/2 cups of rice to the bag.  Shake the bag to mix the rice with the food coloring.  Continue shaking and squeezing the bag until all of the rice is colored.  Then take the rice and dump it on to the wax paper.  Spread the rice out and leave it out overnight until it is dry.  Store the dry rice in a Ziploc container.

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